Studio Production Manager, Lead Video Engineer
Oversaw the research, maintenance, and installation of infrastructure and technology across a multi-studio complex for the production of live and pre-recorded online courses for the Liberal Arts Development Studio.
This involved working with project managers, professors, studio specialists, and students to develop our four studio spaces and two control rooms to accommodate a constantly evolving set of demands based on course load and instructor needs. Additionally, I managed the training and ongoing supervision of over forty student employees and counting in the areas of technical directing, graphics operation, and camera operation.
I personally served as the engineer-in-charge for both live and recorded segments for over fifty courses spanning thousands of hours of finished content. Courses range from a professor lecturing with standard graphics to live composited VR demos, with some courses featuring an on-camera discussion panel, a live jazz orchestra, late night talk show style interviews, or even interactive green screen segments. Every course involved working closely with academic talent to help them transition to a studio environment and ensure we had the resources needed to help them teach effectively.
Unlike most studios, the production of our online courses involved following a daily university class schedule. This means quickly turning around studio spaces for use and flipping entire crews in under 15 minutes, sometimes as many as five times a day. These quick changes meant the need to develop all of our studio technology in a way that complex tasks can be automated and controlled easily by student crews, while still allowing the flexibility expected by our teaching talent.